Primary Care Giving to the Mentally Ill and its Effect on Family Stability


Rodgers Shitiavai Songole


Mental illness causes tremendous change in the way individuals relate to others and how families spend resources. This book is thus an assessment on the forms of Primay Caregiving to mentally ill, factors responsible for Family Stability (FS) among families with a mentally ill person, effects of Pimary Caregiving to the mentally ill on FS and ways of overcoming effects of Primary Caregivers (PCG) to mentally ill to enhance family stability. The author carried out a study, prior to writing this book, so as to establish PCG services to the mentally ill and their effect on family stability in Kenyan setting, using Mathari Hospital as the pivotal point. Mathari Hospital was chosen on the basis that it is the biggest centre offering Psychiatric services in Kenya. The book begins with giving an overview on the Primary Caregiving services to the mentally ill and family stability. It introduces important general knowledge deemed important to enhance understandability. From the discussion, it is clear that Primary Caregiving to the mentally ill affects family stability – both positively and negatively. The author thus proposes salient measures towards combatting the negative effects that Primary Caregiving to the mentally ill has on family stability.

Utafiti Academic Press


