Anthology of Music Arrangements and Compositions: A Handbook for Universities, Colleges and Schools [Volume Two]


Mellitus N. Wanyama


Anthology of Music Arrangements and Compositions is a documentation of Professor Wanyama’s musical arts creativity over a period of 30 years (1987 – 2017) as a music academician in primary schools, secondary schools and universities. This work – containing 66 creative musical works – is published separately in three volumes – each based on specific themes. Volume One is a collection of 28 compositions (secular and sacred); Volume Two entails 18 arrangements (secular and sacred) and Volume Three documents 20 popular music arrangements, topical songs and patriotic songs. The three volumes – covering a myriad of music making styles, text setting and compositional nuts and bolts – are resourceful to music scholars at universities, colleges and schools in Kenya, Africa and beyond.

Utafiti Academic Press


