Risk and Insurance from a Practical Perspective


Faraji Yatundu


Risk and Insurance from a Practical Perspective is an approach taken by the author from his vast experience of over seventeen years in the practice of insurance as a sales executive and a manager. The book’s objective is to demonstrate the role insurance plays in the sustenance of both individual consumers and organisations of insurance services in keeping them afloat in the event of insured risks. The book is intended for students with little or no prior education in insurance. It may serve as the basis for more advanced texts for those students who intend to specialise in the field of insurance, and at the same time, it constitutes a compendium of what an informed citizen and consumer should know about the subject. It is a book on insurance literature intended to be used by students at certificate, diploma, or undergraduate degree levels. It leads them to qualifications in business administration, business management, or bachelor of commerce, where insurance as a unit must be learned. The book will be relevant to Insurance practitioners and other students pursuing professional business courses with the College of Insurance, leading to a Certificate of Proficiency (C.O.P), Executive Certificate of Proficiency in Insurance (E.C.O.P) or Diploma in Insurance.

Utafiti Academic Press


