Total Environmental Assessment: Integrated Methods, Theory and Practice


Kitetu J. Jackson


This book is unique in many ways. Its contents are suitable to a large extent for students, scholars, researchers, and experts/consultants in the following areas of study and specialization: environmental sciences and or management, environmental engineering, mining and minerals engineering, water resources management, and or engineering, civil engineering, architecture, building sciences, natural resources management, sustainable development and research methods. A total environmental assessment approach is used in consideration of all the seven environmental components (biological, geophysical, economic, social, cultural, political and man-made environments) that are impacted by sand harvesting in seasonally-dry Kenya rivers. The contents of this book are therefore multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in nature, making it relevant and valuable to a wide array of readers in more than the above indicated fields of specialization, locally, nationally, internationally and globally.

Utafiti Academic Press


