Proceedings of The 7th Annual International Conference – SASS
- A Road Map to the Creation of Knowledge in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Indangasi Henry)
- Education as a Tool for Empowering Kenya’s Street Children for Realization of Millennium Development Goals (Njoroge, Martin C. & Ndung’u, Ruth W.)
- Culture and Art in Research for Knowledge Creation and Implementation of MDGs in Kenya: Contributions from Okot p’Bitek (Langat Japheth & Maina, T. Sammy)
- An Ethnographic Approach in the Conversations on Poverty in the Slums: The Case of Mathare (Omollo Maurice & Waliaula Solomon)
- Hybridity and Nationhood: The Case of the South Asian Migrant in East Africa (Chepkosgei Seraphine)
- Determining the Relationship between Gender-Based Differences in Leisure Time Activities of Boys and Girls and Performance of English (Laboso Joyce, Manduku Joshua & Chebunet Phillip)
- The Role of Christianity in Realization of Millennium Development Goals: A Case of The Anglican Church Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya (Biwott, K. Anthony)
- Gender Equity: A Reading of Nuruddin Farah’s From A Crooked Rib and Sweet And Sour Milk (Jose, Anne Jerono)
- Culture and the Achievement of The Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria: An Analysis of The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 (Ukertor, Gabriel Moti)
- The Impact of African Traditional Religious World View in the Realization of Millennium Development Goals (Bwire, John Peter)
- Understanding HIV/AIDS Spread in Kenya from Population Geography Approach to Population Distribution (Omondi, Charles Ochola)
- The Challenges to Strategies of Coping with Inadequate Income in Mathare Slums in Kenya (Omollo, Maurice O. J.)
- The Millennium Development Goal Relating to Environmental Sustainability: An Examination of the Legal Regimes in Uganda and Nigeria (Tajudeen Sanni)
- State Violence and the Politics of Dead Bodies in John Ruganda’s The Floods (Sambai Carolyn Sultan)
- Citizen Participation in Local Government and National Projects: The Myth of Participatory Governance and Unforeseen Consequences of Innovation and Development (Ramokgadi, S. B.)
- MDGs: Tracing The Invisible Hand of Political Parties in Kenya (Muinde, Patrick Mumo & Mburu, Catherine Wanjugu)
- Uhakiki wa Uoza wa Jamii katika Riwaya za Vipuli Vya Figo na Siku Njema (Wambua Pauline, Shitemi, N. L. & Noordin, M. I.)
- Portraits of Gender in Nation Building: Representations in TV Drama of Kenya (Waliaula Solomon, Mbogo Fredrick& Okong’o, Joseph B.)
- Protection of Refugee Human Rights in Kenya In the First Decades of the Twenty-First Century (Oluoch Ken)
- The “Web of Transition” in the Nationalist Project of Post-Independence Africa: A Reading of Soyinka’s Play The Road and Ng’weno’s Film Documentary The Making of a Nation (Waliaula Solomon & Okong’o Basil)
- Confronting HIV/AIDS through Fiction: Representation of the Chaotic Body in Wahome Mutahi’s The House of Doom (Muindu, Japheth Peter & Kinara Gladys)
- The Language Factor in the Attainment of Millennium Development Goals: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa (Mahero, Bernard Toboso)
- Passivization and the Socialization of Women through Language (Aberi George, Bichanga Wilson & Yieke Felicia)
- Facebook: A Bridge to the Attainment of Millennium Development Goals (Ndalila, K. Henry)
- Mother Tongues as Catalysts in Kenya’s Attainment of Millennium Development Goals (Ndalila, K. Henry)

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