Philosophy of Music Education
The writing of Philosophy of Music Education came as a result of the realization that there was an urgent need for a publication of this kind. The book has been written to cater for the needs of students pursuing courses on philosophy of music education in universities and colleges. It is written in a systematic and clear language that makes it very easy for the readers to understand. It intertwines philosophy and music in a coherent language that makes the two disciplines to be interdisciplinarily compatible. While writing this book, the author took into consideration the fact that most students are usually repelled by the term ‘philosophy’ whose marriage to music may make the subject appear to be extremely abstract and out of this world. Philosophy of Music Education, has, however, demystified this assumed abstractness by discussing the philosophical theories and principles in a manner that will enable the readers to appreciate the importance of philosophy for music educators, including university lecturers, college tutors, policy makers and other stakeholders in music education. Philosophy of Music Education is written to provide targeted readers with a quality and relevant reference book that is locally lacking on this subject.


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